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Islands of the Dolls is the fourth episode of Season 10 of Ghost Adventures. Zak, Nick and Aaron travel to Xochimilco, Mexico where the dark and creepy canals are home to what might be the world's strangest and scariest tourist attraction; the "Island of the Dolls", because of the many baby dolls in the trees. The island is also the site of a sinister and haunted mystery.

Preliminary Investigation[]



Pre- Investigation[]

  • Physical Harm: Zak receives 3 bruises on his left arm, and coincidentally he was holding "Harold the Haunted Doll" earlier, that had a very loose and almost broken left arm.


  • Unexplained Noises: Cans moving or possibly a lighter fluid tin can quickly being squeezed to start the fire, Dolls laughing, Screaming
  • Other Phenomena: When Zak, Aaron, and Jay arrive to dock, they hear noises in an area where a fire pit is located. Soon afterwards, a fire is sparked in the same area and there was no other people on the island to have had the fire started.
  • Physical Contact/Other Phenomena: Before Zak brings Harold the Haunted Doll out of the bag, an energy force is released causing 2 cats to start fighting. Seconds later, a doll on shed wall starts to laugh as if its trying to lure the guys away.
  • Physical Contact: Cold energy is felt throughout the investigation, even in base camp.
  • Apparition: After an energy force goes off in the Possessed Doll Shed, Aaron sees a figure walking outside on the bridge. He continuously sees the same figure on the bridge.
  • Apparition: A rectangular black mass is captured on the camera directed in Don Julian's hut.
  • Apparition: Billy sees lights in the hut the same time the black apparition was captured.
  • Spirit Box Voices: Man's voice
  • Apparition: An unexplained figure moves in the back right corner of the hut, and with this, the dots of camera move and footsteps are captured.
  • Physical Contact: Zak feels an icy hand move down his back.
  • EVPs: "I don't like her...stupid"
  • Temperature Fluctuation/Apparition: Before the lockdown is concluded, the thermal apparition directed at Harold the Haunted Doll detects a warmer temperature change underneath the doll as if the doll is a living being.


Season 10 Episodes
Queen MaryLemp Mansion & BreweryZozo DemonIsland of the DollsBell Witch CaveSallie HouseNopeming SanatoriumApache JunctionReturn to TombstoneDemons in SeattleTexas Horror Hotel