Ghost Adventures Wiki
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 Old Licking County Jail is the Season 9 finale of Ghost Adventures. The GAC travel to Ohio for their lockdown at the Old Licking County Jail where multiple murders of famous criminals, inmates suicides and the deaths of four sheriffs were the norm. The investigation takes a detour when a woman claims a malevolent spirit followed her home from the jailhouse, and is now tormenting her entire family.

Preliminary Lockdown[]



Misty's Home[]

  • Spirit Box Voices: "hey Misty"
  • Apparition: a ball of light shoots into Misty's head

Old Licking County Jail[]

  • Unexplained Noises: Loud Slam, Noises 2x
  • EVP: "kingdom...come"
  • Equipment Malfunction: X camera battery in the Matron's Quarter was drained, as Nick places the new one, it dies again. Billy then place a third one in, which then suddenly dies again
  • Disembodied Voice: deep Man Voice
  • Apparition: The thermal imaging camera captured an unexplained heat signature that manifested



Season 9 Episodes
Sharon Tate GhostMyrtles PlantationGeorge Washington GhostBannack Ghost TownFear FactoryHeritage JunctionBattle of Los AngelesSaint James HotelFox Hollow FarmHaunted SavannahWhaley HouseOverland Hotel & SaloonOld Licking County Jail