Ghost Adventures Wiki

Pennhurst was a former housing location for disabled people. It was, however, shut down by the US Government after finding out that the people were not taken care of properly. It is now said to be one of the most haunted locations in America.


Ghost Adventures[]

Paranormal Challenge[]

Season 3 Locations
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic AsylumPennhurstPoveglia IslandOhio State ReformatoryRemington Arms FactoryOld Washoe ClubChollar MineLinda Vista HospitalExecution Rocks LighthouseProspect PlaceWolfe Manor
Paranormal Challenge Locations
Rolling Hills AsylumEastern State PenitentiaryPennhurst State SchoolOhio State ReformatoryWest Virginia PenitentiaryWaverly Hills SanatoriumTrans-Allegheny Lunatic AsylumOld South Pittsburg HospitalLa Purisima MissionLinda Vista HospitalUSS HornetJerome Grand Hotel