Ghost Adventures Wiki
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Shanghai Tunnels is the Season 6 premiere of Ghost Adventures. Zak, Nick & Aaron delve deep into the dingy Shanghai Tunnels to unearth the spirits that still haunt Hobo's Restaurant in Portland, OR, and collect some compelling visual evidence.




  • EVP/Static box: "where are you?", "he's mine", "he fell", "alone", "can't believe you", "what do I do?", "let's get naked", "I was wasted", "I was beaten", "it was someone"
  • Apparition: Aaron and Zak see an apparition of a lady
  • Noises: unexplained door rattling, unexplained footsteps, unexplained door creaking (2x)
  • Physical Contact: Zak , Nick and, Aaron get an eerie feeling
  • Apparition: A white mist appears in the Shadow Camera
  • Apparition: A white mist/anomaly moves to the door
  • Apparition: An apparition/solid purple form is seen disappearing through a door on the thermal imaging camera



  • The episode marks the first time the crew did a full investigation from dawn until dusk.
Season 6 Episodes
Shanghai TunnelsPeabody-Whitehead MansionCopper Queen Hotel & Oliver HouseNational HotelReturn to Linda Vista HospitalThe Galka FamilyRiviera Hotel