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Witch House Lyceum Restaurant (sometimes titled "Salem Witch House") is the eighteenth episode of Season 4 of Ghost Adventures. Zak, Nick and Aaron travel to Salem to conduct a two-part lock-down.
Physical Contact: During the interviews, Zak claimed that something touched his arm while a cold breeze enters the room that he is in.
Equipment Malfunction: Zak's audio dies the same time he gets touched on the arm.
EVPs: "unexplained child's voice"
EVPs: "don't go in there"
Physical Contact: Zak starts feeling very sad as if he is feeling the pain of the child that died at the house.
EMF Fluctuation: The EMF Detector starts to alarm, with a 1.0 spike.
Word Database: The PX Device starts going crazy when the warlock and witch enter the house.
Physical Contact: When the GAC looks into the skull in the ritual they feel that it is staring back at them, which at that point, Zak feels it is some sort of connection from the after-life.
Spirit Box Voice: "Robert", "Christian Day", "which one?", "hanged", "Bridget", "Bishop", "witch", "I did or I didn't"
Physical Contact: Rachel, the witch, claims that she felt like something was trying push her to the ground.
Word Database: "apple"
EVPs: "Mary", "you come back"
Scents: Max, a guest that was with GAC started smelling apples.
Apparition: A mist is captured on a photo from the infrared camera in the mirror.
Visual Sighting: Zak claimed that he saw 4 people when he looked in the mirror, when it was only him, Nick and Aaron only in the building at that time.